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What is Light Language? My journey of initiation and understanding.

Writer's picture: Jade LangridgeJade Langridge

Updated: Oct 24, 2024

What is Light Language?

Have you ever felt a connection to something beyond words? A sensation, a vibration, an energy that resonates deeply within your soul? This is the essence of connecting with Light Language, a profound form of healing and communication that transcends our usual understanding of language. As someone who has explored and embraced this beautiful phenomenon, I am excited to share my journey and insights with you.

Women sitting on rock making hand symbols of light language
Me channelling light language in Sri Lanka

Understanding Light Language

Light Language is a frequency, a vibration, a multidimensional expression of the Universe. It is an outpouring of love and light, designed to heal our souls, hearts, bodies (I include our energetic field bodies), and beyond.

Think of it as a form of energy healing, akin to sound healing with gongs and crystal bowls, but where I become the instrument through my voice and hand movements. Other people draw symbols or sing, there is no one right way to channel or receive it. 

There are myriad sources of Light Language, each carrying its unique signature. These include Galactic, Angelic, Dragon, Faery, Elemental, Earth, Water, Tree energies, and more. Each source brings a unique vibration and healing quality, contributing to a rich tapestry of energetic communication. Some big concepts there right, you may already be familiar with these or you may be new, either way, be open to what comes through.

The longer I have done this, I am more aware of when I am channelling a certain energy from a guide and when I am actually channelling from my heart space, my soul’s remembrance of lives I knew of these languages and light codes of communication.

It rarely is received with a conscious understanding of each sound / word- but our souls know - that’s all that matters. It is received and put to use intelligently without us having to consciously think or do anything but be open to receive. 

This can be highly beneficial as with no words or familiar concepts, our ego and conscious mind does not have a chance to filter or categorise according to our current state and levels of understanding. We are more open to receive pure healing goodness.

My Experience with Light Language

My journey with Light Language began unexpectedly in 2019, but has since become a cornerstone of my healing practice and soulful self care.

I was already on the path of soul growth self development, fuelled by having my Reiki one attunement and exploring all the new doors of experiences this was opening for me.

One evening, my first alone in about five months after moving in with my partner, I decided to devote some time to myself and my healing. I decided to do an Akashic card spread with my Starchild Tarot Deck by Danielle Noel (Which I highly recommend by the way, especially if you are a starseed or feel connected to the stars or Egypt) 

I was midway through, doing a mixture of journaling, holding crystals and doing some visualisations when my right hand started twitching, then swirling. Then my arm was moving around in flow with the hands movement. I then had such a strong urge to open my mouth and all these noises felt like they were flowing out, clicks, tones, range of notes in a sing songy fashion yet a language I didn’t recognise. 

It certainly caught me by surprise, yet I was not scared, I had heard my Reiki teacher, Felicity from Ookushana, mention light language and heard some being sung at a womb healing event. Even though I was not sure at that point what was happening, a part of me knew to just go with the flow. I felt excited, intrigued, a little nervous but also a sense of familiarity like welcoming an old friend not seen for ages.

I was briefly self conscious of the neighbours as it was about 2am and I realised I was probably being quite loud - what on earth must they think? However, I was pulled back into this new way of expression I was experiencing. 

At one point I felt a strong connection to Lemurian energies, I had a knowing, like a fuzzy memory of being on a body of water, watching others sail off as I sang this song, like a blessing of protection and love. I felt the stirs of emotions and was a bit tearful.

My partner came home (from taking photos at a club, so lots of energy flying around) as soon as he sat down as we started to catch up with our evenings, my hands started moving around him, fingers tapping together and moving on their own.

I could physically feel the energy change around us, to a calmer more relaxed feeling. It felt like I was able to shift and change the collected energy around him as it was too much for my empath energy field to handle.

As we chatted and I filled him in on my new discovery, my hands and arms took over. He very patiently, lay down as I instructed him and I channelled light language through my voice and hands around him. We were both looking at each other, like what is happening! It then calmed down and stopped, I was out of breath and we both were like whoa.

My life has not been without it since. I am constantly learning new ways to incorporate it for myself and others, channelling various energies and forms with the help of my guides, trusting the right form will flow for that specific occasion or person to help heal, clear and align.

I regularly sing light language songs to my daughter, she always seems to respond like she understands, or at least help soothe her or make her smile.

The Healing Power of Light Language

Light Language works on a profound level, bypassing our conscious mind and ego, which often filter and categorise experiences based on our current understanding. This allows the healing to penetrate deeply into our cells, light body, and DNA, clearing stuck energy and activating our true potential.

The benefits of Light Language are vast and varied. It can:

  • Activate Soul Gifts and Memories: Reconnect with your higher self and spiritual lineage.

  • Promote Relaxation and Inner Peace: Experience profound calm and clarity.

  • Facilitate Emotional Release: Let go of past traumas and negative thought patterns.

  • Enhance Psychic Abilities: Open your channel for deeper insight and guidance.

  • Support Physical Healing: Alleviate aches and pains, improve energy flow.

  • Align with Higher Timelines: Step into your true purpose and potential.

How Light Language Can Help You

Light Language can be integrated into various healing modalities I offer, including Reiki, Hypnotherapy, and Counselling, or used as a standalone practice. During a session, I tune into your energy and channel the appropriate Light Language, which may be recorded for you to revisit as needed.

This healing form is incredibly versatile and adaptive. Whether you are seeking to heal, activate, or protect, Light Language provides a unique and powerful pathway to transformation.

I have had clients who do understand, they recognise Angelic and Dragon energies. People have cried with relief, release, overwhelming love, familiarity. People have felt tingles, bursts of energy move through them, get warm or a bit of a shiver. 

People have experienced visions, of ancient memories, received messages of knowledge, help and insight.

Some have then gone on to start channelling light language themselves!

My guides have told me, certain people act as keys to others, when their energies come into contact with each other. Unlocking / activating certain gifts, memories, awareness of next steps on their soul journey.

Many clients that are drawn to me, have this energy that responds to mine as a key for this reason. Another reason I feel so blessed to share this gift, this soul remembering of ancient languages and healing codes.

Embrace the Light for Soul Growth and Divine Purpose

I am honoured to share this sacred practice with those who are ready to explore and receive its blessings. All you need is an open heart and a curious mind.

If you have any questions or would like to experience Light Language for yourself, please feel free to contact me. Together, we can unlock the healing potential within you.

Light Language is more than just sounds or movements; it is a journey of the soul, a return to the divine essence within us all. Embrace the light, and let it guide you to your most aligned self for your journey of purpose and joy. 

For more information or to book a session, please contact me. I look forward to sharing this incredible journey and codes of light with you.

Woman meditating to sound healing frequencies
Sound Healing Frequency (AI)

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